Asiatic Herpetological Research


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Vol.11 is published by the Chengdu Institute of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CIB) and the Asiatic Herpetological Research Society (AHRS) at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California. Issues will be distributed by the Chengdu Institute of Biology/Chinese Academy of Sciences:

Subscriptions and memberships are $45 per year ($60 for libraries). For postage outside of China, please add $5 per issue for surface mail or $10 per issue for airmail. Personal checks should be in the form of $US currency and made payable to “Chen Yueying, AHR, CIB, CAS”. Subscriptions should be directed to the following contact:


Chen Yueying

Editorial Office AHR

Chengdu Institute of Biology

Chengdu 610041

Sichuan, China.

Tel: 86-28-85241980

Fax: 86-28-85222753


Back volumes can also be obtained through Breck Bartholomew at




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